satnav - Credits


some credits for the site. i didn't make everything on my own! the code, yeah, but:


i'll put my primary inspirations for my site here :) ones that are enough that i'd like to credit them, at least. check them out! might be a subpage eventually

    my main inspiration for taking on a frutiger aero theme. i went more the 'directly windows 7 (and sometimes vista)' route, while his site is more generally frutiger. fun fact: the look of the guestbook page, with the inner square and all, is directly inspired by him as well!

    okay this one is more obvious. eggramen was a big inspiration (maybe putting it lightly) for the general layout of this site, minus the actual interiors of the pages. i had already wanted to make my site windows 7 esque, and their sidebar worked so well, so i took the whole vibe and ran.